Saturday, June 12, 2010

new plans...

So I didn't do the 5K I was so worried about. Plain and simple, I wasn't ready. I'm still training, but I've backed off of my runs because of a super sore knee. I plan to start back to my old schedule this week with, but with shorter intervals.

Other training news...

I completed my first 5 week boot camp program this week! With a little encouragement from my friend Karin, I've decided to sign up for the next 5 week session. ( I'm just praying for less squats and lunges)

Food news...

Increasing my water intake has made a huge difference in how I feel physically! YAY!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

something to ponder...

I found something very interesting here.....

Fitness Mistakes (for a new runner) - which cause burnout:

1. tried to run continuously for more than a half mile (should have run 1-2 minutes and walked 2 minutes
2. Started out each run too hard - for him/her (should have started by shuffling slowly - with walks)
3. Told himself before each run that he was going to feel bad (should have forecast a fun, easy run)
4. Tried to exercise when blood sugar and motivation was low (should have eaten something first)

These ALL sound like me at some point in the last couple of months! Must work on that!

Training update....
I just got back from a short run tonight. It went okay. I am glad that I went since I have been sick for about 4 days and since I missed boot camp this morning. However I'm not where I want to be! I am getting impatient giving my body time.
Obstacles: knee pain, initial fatigue, self doubt of upcoming 5k
Tonight I tried something new. I consistantly walk/ran the entire time. Three minutes of running paired with 1 minute of walking.
I got this idea from this book.

It's a pretty simple concept, similar to what I've been doing. So tonight I ran 3 minutes and walked 1 minute non-stop for a whole 22 minutes. (whole=sarcasm) When I checked my distance it was 1.6 miles which puts my pace at 13.45....I think! I'm still trying to get all these calculations figured out :)
NOT EXACTLY 5K ready....right? Considering I've comitted to my first 5K next week, I'm in a bit of a panic!
Food update...
I've had the feeling that I may be dehydrated the last few days, just feeling weak and dizzy and since I've been loading up on sinus medicine. So I made more effort to drink water throughout the day. I had four 16 oz bottles over the course of the day, which is a start. For dinner, I had quiona and broccoli and a bake yam.

Lots to ponder this week!